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Air Monitoring

Air Monitoring

Efficient Monitoring of Microbiological Contamination in the Air

The Coriolis® range of biological air samplers has been developed by Bertin Instruments to be more efficient than traditional indoor or outdoor air quality monitoring systems. The cyclonic technology efficiently collects the biological particles of the air whatever their nature: Bacteria, viruses, pollen, etc. The sample taken is therefore compatible with all microbiological or molecular biology analyses, which allows the results of the biological contamination of the indoor and outdoor air to be obtained more quickly.

 Coriolis L2
With the Coriolis range of air samplers, a few hours are enough to measure the quality of the air and to go beyond the analysis in culture. The cyclonic technology allows to obtain either high air flow rates (300 liters per minute) or long duration sampling. The sample obtained is compatible with the most used and fastest microbiological analysis methods such as PCR, immunoanalysis (ELISA…), flow cytometry, etc.

Coriolis Instruments

Coriolis µ Air Sampler

The Coriolis µ Biological Air Sampler for air bio-contamination control is compatible with all analysis methods due to its liquid output.

Coriolis Compact Air Sampler

The Coriolis Compact Air Sampler is a dry cyclonic air sampler able to operate 8 hours straight and compatible with multiple downstream analysis (NGS, qPCR, Culture).


Compatible consumables for Coriolis µ and Coriolis Compact are available in sterile and non-sterile versions. 

Technical Features

Micro Vs Compact